Season of Eagles

Season of Eagles

Image 1 On a rainy day this Bald eagle is concerned about loosing its’ catch of Kokanee salmon to a nearby competitor also looking for lunch.
Image 2 “Eagle Tree” are typically an old snag tree. Eagles generally hang out on eagle trees while looking for food and move to a Ponderosa pine tree to eat their food.
Image 3 “I Am Smiling” the look of an eagle doesn’t change much. What you see is what you get… got it!
Image 4 “Mr. & Mrs.” Bald Eagle hanging out in a Ponderosa pine tree along the shores of beautiful Lake Coeur d’Alene in Idaho.

Image 5 “Taking a Break”… this eagle found a resting place, in the back waters of Beauty Creek Bay, away from all the photographers.
Image 6 “Liftoff”… the first power-strokes of a 6.5 to 7 foot wingspan of a Bald eagle enable it to have roughly a 35 pound thrust for lifting its’ body and the weight of its’ prey.
Image 7 “Frosted” sitting in a Ponderosa pine tree, on one particularly cold and damp morning, this photo depicts the heart of our National Bird.
Image 8 “Awesome” is an appropriate description of this portrait of a Bald eagle. Taken along the shores of beautiful Lake Coeur d’Alene in Idaho.
Image 9 This photograph was taken as the eagle was banking to take a second look at a floundering Kokanee salmon on the surface of Lake Coeur d’Alene in Idaho.
Image 10 A mated pair of Bald eagles fly low over Lake Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. With eagles, the female is the larger of the two.
Image 11 “Gliding” over the water of Lake Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. I photographed this Bald eagle from Higgins Point.
Image 12 A beautiful pair of Bald Eagles hanging out together along Lake Coeur d’Alene in Idaho. The upper one just finished a meal of Kokanee salmon and is “Feaking”… that is beak grooming after a meal when the beak is rubbed back and forth on a branch to clean it. The lower eagle waits for another Kokanee to break the surface of the lake and hence a meal for it. This photograph would be wonderful to add to your collection.
Image 13 “Taking Flight” shows the power that an eagles’ 6.5 foot wingspan has as it lifts from a Ponderosa pine tree in search of Kokanee salmon along the shores of Lake Coeur d’Alene in Idaho. This photograph would look great as an 16X20 print.